About Us

Loutet is a community that is not spoken of, not rationalized, yet it lingers in the dust and the rocks that make the dirt packed monoliths. A community that is fuelled by independent thought, progression, and evolution. Loutet to us, is an organism that lives off of its users happiness and achievements, not just a skills park, It is reassurance and hope for the future generation.

The last few years have been revolutionary. Not only has the park seen immense change, but the local riders have experienced significant improvement in  their own riding skills. We built this community around the understanding that doing something yourself takes time, effort and genuine passion. 

We have seen kids go from lacking the confidence to get the slightest air, to joining us on our line (the big set of jumps) stoked and committed to doing their very best.

We have seen adults relive their youth by simply watching what can be achieved by the combination of dirt and rocks.

We have experienced what it takes to turn nothing into something of community cherish. And we believe that the locals have too. 

We intend to keep pushing and upgrading every little aspect that makes Loutet so desired.

We like to say that; “We don’t build jumps, we build standards.” and that is what we intend to make Loutet.

The gold standard of skill parks.